When do I need decontamination?

Disinfection is done when we want to reduce the microbial load of a surface or a space.

It is deemed necessary to disinfect our space if a positive to Covid 19 person enters.

Call us to answer any question you may have.

Why do I need decontamination?

Disinfection is necessary when an area has been exposed to microbial load. The cases where we apply disinfection are:

  • Presence of a person positive for Covid 19 or other communicable disease.
  • When we have an invasion of rodents or other animals (non-domestic).
  • In flooded basements with stagnant water.
  • Σε  περίπτωση που βρούμε πτώμα ζώου π.χ. πτηνών, αρουραίων κ.α.
  • In places where we want to zero the microbial load such as kindergartens, shops, gyms, etc.

Call us to answer any question you may have.

How to disinfect?

The disinfection of an area is done by spraying a disinfectant solution. During application, all surfaces are covered with the disinfectant liquid. The application can be done with a pre-pressurised sprayer or with a fogger machine. The results are immediate as it acts instantly.

What do I not achieve with disinfection?

Attention, the disinfection has no residual duration. If I disinfect a space and the next day I have e.g. a rat invasion, the area is no longer clean and needs to be disinfected again. Imagine washing your hands. If you wash them and then grab dirt, they are no longer clean, are they?

In any case, you can call us at +0306951950601 in order to answer any questions you may have and get rid of uninvited guests!