When do I have to treat rodents?

Μυοκτονία ονομάζεται η καταπολέμηση των τρωκτικών. Εφαρμόζεται είτε προληπτικά είτε κατασταλτικά.


It is the best way to deal with risk. As in most cases, prevention is more important than repression.


When we have rodent activity we are called to eradicate them. An integrated pest management system can deal with all infestations.

Καλέστε μας τώρα για να σας απαλλάξουμε από απρόσκλητους επισκέπτες.

Why do I kill rodents?

Γιατί πολύ απλά κανένας δεν θέλει να ζει με αρουραίους!

Ο αρχέγονος φόβος των τρωκτικών που έχουμε είναι δικαιολογημένος, λόγω των κινδύνων που διατρέχουμε όταν είμαστε κοντά τους. Λόγοι που πρέπει να εξολοθρεύσουμε τα τρωκτικά:

  • Illnesses
  • Parasites
  • Pollution

Καλέστε μας τώρα για να σας απαλλάξουμε από απρόσκλητους επισκέπτες.

Is treating for rodents safe?

All the medicines we use are completely safe and there is no risk with their use. απόλυτα ασφαλή και δεν υπάρχει κανένας κίνδυνος με την χρήση τους.

  • Approved for use in residential areas.
  • Friendly to the environment.
  • Tested for a number of years.

Before you, we as responsible agronomists, want to be sure of the success of the application but also of the quality of life of our customers and fellow human beings. Under no circumstances will we implement an application that could have negative effects on your quality of life.

However, we must not forget that they are biocidal medicines.

Under no circumstances should we consume them. If we come in contact with them, we wash the surface thoroughly with soap.
The preparations are placed in special bait stations that open only with a key and make it impossible to consume the medicines from non-target mammals.

In any case, you can call us at +0306951950601 in order to answer any questions you may have and get rid of uninvited guests!