How do they look like?

  • Colour:The mouse has short hair, light brown or gray to black. His belly is light.
  • Body:There are hairs on the ears and tail, although much less than the rest of the body.
  • Size:Adult mice weigh from 12g to 40g and reach a length of 20cm along with the tail.
  • FecesThey are cylindrical with pointed edges with a length of about 0.6cm.

How did I get mice?

Mice can invade our home through holes as small as 0.5cm in diameter, as long as their skull fits. They enter indoors to protect themselves from adverse weather conditions or enemies such as snakes and other hunters or in search of food. Lofts and basements are ideal locations while dirty dishes and half eaten meals are attractive factors. Gaps between furniture and wall, and electrical appliances also offer shelter.

How dangerous are mice?

These mice can easily survive in the home environment. Because they are cautious and hesitant, they are very difficult to exterminate. Although they are not going to charge us, their feces are harmful to our health.


Feces and urine contaminate our house (kitchen drawers for example) and our food. As their population grows, so do the chances of transmitting a disease such as lymphocytic choriomycitis or food poisoning.

Rapid spread

The female gives birth to 3 to 12 young and can have 5 to 10 births a year. From a single female we can have 120 new mice in one year. Immediate treatment is therefore of the utmost importance.

The signs of infection


They are usually active from late afternoon until the first light, but it is possible to see them running at different times in our house, especially if it is quiet. They almost always run with one side covered e.g. along the wall.


Where there are house mice, there are feces. They can be found anywhere they go. They are cylindrical with a length of 3mm to 6mm and can have one or both sides pointed. There is a possibility to confuse them with the feces of an American cockroach. They look pretty but the feces of domestic mice usually contain hair. The feces of the American cockroaches do not have pointed ends and usually show a flat back on their sides.



Mice explore their space. The pug with the 4 front fingers and the 5 backs of the house mice is very typical.


One of the most common signs we have is signs of a mouse bite on a surface or food. We may also find gnawing.


Domestic mice build nests in protected areas. They usually collect materials from our place to build it. We can distinguish the entrance because it will be clean of dust and foreign objects although it may have feces.


It is not uncommon to hear these little rodents scratching or running or gnawing on various materials, especially in the afternoon and evening. Maybe we can also hear them shout. Although their screams are in the ultrasound range and we do not hear them.


The urine of domestic mice is a large part of their communication. In cases of high population, the smell of urine is characteristic.

How do I get rid of mice?

What GeoProtect does

Almost all cases of invasion of mice require Integrated Pest Management. The specialized agronomist who will come, will first determine the type of pest and then will suggest the necessary suppressive actions. Depending on the case, chemical and / or non-chemical suppressants will be used. Some non-chemical actions that can be suggested are:

  • Sealing: Repair of gaps and holes that allow the entry of domestic mice.
  • Hygiene: Removal of attractants.
  • Traps: Mouse Traps

Finally, it is good to call a professional from the first moment you notice an invasion of mice. Do not wait to take action, in a short time a small problem can become very serious.

Call us at 6951950601

Behavior, nutrition and habitat

Where do they live?

In the wild, mice live in fields, meadows and forests, building underground nests protected from the weather and hunters.

What are they eating?

They usually feed on seeds and fruits but are occasional hunters with a wide range of diets.


Mice walk on all fours. They can stand up in two with the help of their tail. Their tail also helps in abrupt change of course and balance.

They are very active and often explore their space trying anything new. When the outside temperature drops, they search for a warmer place. This is usually a house or warehouse. They invade from any opening such as gaps in the walls from pipes, under doors or windows, even from the ceiling.

Do they talk?

Yes! Mice communicate with different sounds. Of course, many are outside our audio range and we do not perceive them.

How do I shield my home from mice?

We must first close possible passages such as cracks larger than or equal to a pen cap. We will use cement or some similar material. But not wood because they can gnaw it and pass through it.

A clean house is not so attractive to these rodents. We take care not to leave food exposed such as unwashed dishes, open rubbish, pet food.

If a house has already been infested with house mice, these safeguards will not work. The best thing to do is get the help of a professional.

Biological cycle

The female conceives for 19 to 21 days and gives birth to 3 to 12 young. Each female can have from 5 to 10 births per year. Hairless and blind young reach reproductive age in just 5 weeks.

In any case, you can call us at +0306951950601 in order to answer any question you may have and get rid of uninvited guests!