Privacy Policy

Preface-General Framework 

Τα προσωπικά δεδομένα των Πελατών τηρούνται από την GeoProtect και χρησιμοποιούνται αποκλειστικά για την εκτέλεση και απόδειξη των παραγγελιών τους, την παροχή εξατομικευμένων υπηρεσιών και την εξαγωγή στατιστικών στοιχείων. Τα δεδομένα αυτά δεν διαβιβάζονται σε τρίτους, εκτός από συνεργαζόμενες με την GeoProtect επιχειρήσεις, στις οποίες διαβιβάζονται με σκοπό την αποστολή στον Πελάτη διαφημιστικού υλικού και εξατομικευμένων προσφορών ή ενδεχομένως στις αρμόδιες Αρχές στις οριζόμενες από το νόμο περιπτώσεις και με τον τρόπο που καθορίζεται στις σχετικές διατάξεις.

Ο Πελάτης δίνει με την παρούσα τη συναίνεσή του για την αποθήκευση και επεξεργασία των προσωπικών του δεδομένων από την GeoProtect για τους σκοπούς εκτέλεσης και απόδειξης των παραγγελιών του, την παροχή προσωποποιημένων υπηρεσιών και την εξαγωγή στατιστικών στοιχείων και για την διαβίβασή τους σε συνεργαζόμενες  επιχειρήσεις με σκοπό την διευκόλυνση και εκτέλεση της σύμβασης συμπεριλαμβανομένης της πληρωμής και αποστολής των προϊόντων.

The Customer has the right to access any information he has given us and to object at any time to the processing of data concerning him. For any exercise of the right to object to the processing of data you can contact

We aim to ensure that you feel safe on our site, so your privacy and the protection of your individual rights are important to us. For this reason, we would like to ask you to carefully read the summary below on how our site works. You can be sure that your data will be processed in a transparent and fair manner and that we will make every effort to handle your data carefully and responsibly.

The person in charge of processing your personal data collected through this website is the company "KARAILANIDIS ANDREAS GeoProtect" based in Kato Toumpa, Thessaloniki, Finikos 9, PC 54351 Email:

You can contact the data protection officer of the controller at the email address:


This policy applies to the company "GeoProtect", hereinafter referred to as the Company.

Our Company treats with responsibility and as primary issues the issues of personal data and privacy and handles your personal data responsibly and in accordance with the current National and European Legal and Regulatory Framework for the protection of personal data. The Company, defining the purposes and the way of processing personal data, becomes Responsible for the processing of such data. We recognize that the protection of personal data is an ongoing responsibility and we will therefore update and amend this Statement from time to time if necessary. Please visit our website's Privacy Policy to make sure you are aware of and satisfied with any changes.

H εταιρεία μας δεσμεύεται να προστατεύει τις προσωπικές πληροφορίες που συλλέγονται όταν χρησιμοποιείτε την ιστοσελίδα μας και άλλες υπηρεσίες μας. Η παρούσα Πολιτική Απορρήτου ορίζει την δέσμευσή μας να προστατεύει τα δεδομένα προσωπικού χαρακτήρα και πως η δέσμευση αυτή εφαρμόζεται σχετικά με την συλλογή, την χρήση, την μεταβίβαση και την διατήρηση αυτών. Η πολιτική αυτή ισχύει όταν καθορίζουμε τους σκοπούς και τα μέσα της επεξεργασίας, ενεργώντας συνεπώς, ως διαχειριστής δεδομένων, δηλαδή ως «υπεύθυνος επεξεργασίας» με βάση τον 679/2016 ΚΑΝ. ΕΕ (ΓΚΠΔ-GDPR) και τον  Ν. 4624/2019.

Personal Data Collection and processing base

We collect and use your personal information to the extent necessary to provide you with a functional website and to access our content and services, for example if you sign up for our website, sign in to an existing customer account and order products, you wish to contact us through the contact form, send your request and your comments etc. In order to manage and respond to your questions and requests, the Company collects from you the data you provide in the context of creating your profile, ie we can collect and save your full name, email, address your contact details, your password in our e-shop, any tax information for the issuance of documents that you request and give us yourself and any other information you may have provided to us. This information is strictly used to satisfactorily answer your questions or requests or to fulfill our contractual obligations on both sides.

For the legal processing of your data under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 , we recognize a legal basis before the processing of personal data. In this case, the legal basis for the processing of the data by us is the granting of your explicit consent for the processing, by submitting the respective form only in case you agree with this policy.

Legal basis for the processing of your personal data: The Company legally processes your personal data and for each processing it performs there is at least one of the following legal bases: a) The processing is necessary for the execution of the contractual obligations of the Company. The Company may process data if "the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party". b) The Company has received your prior consent In this case you are free to revoke your consent at any time.

Specifically: We collect, process and use your personal data through this website for the following purposes:

  • Concluding and executing contracts, e.g. processing orders for the products and services we offer through the website. For the conclusion and execution of the contracts, we request contact details depending on the specific case, for example name, delivery address, invoicing address, e-mail address and information about the payment method you choose. We also use your data to maintain our customer data in accordance with the requirements of applicable law, where only relevant data is stored.

You have the opportunity to place orders as a guest. If you choose this way of ordering, you do not need to register before placing your order. Please note that you will need to re-enter your data when submitting any future orders.

  • Providing newsletters and promotions, e.g. in case of your subscription to the Newsletter service of our company.

We use your data to send the information you request about our products, services and other special offers to the email address you provide to us. This will only be done with your prior consent or if permitted by law. Consent to the above benefit is governed by Article 6 (1) (a) and Article 7 of the GIP.

You can sign up to receive newsletter, promotions and market research and customer service satisfaction free of charge. When you sign up for the newsletter, promotions and market research, the data on the data entry form will be sent to us, ie at least your email address or your mobile phone number.

The registration is done using a "dual consent" procedure, through which you will receive an e-mail during the registration, which will ask you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary in order to prevent anyone from registering e-mail addresses that do not belong to him. Your consent to the processing of your personal data for these purposes is deemed to have been obtained upon confirmation of your registration.

In case you buy products or services from our website, we can send you via email information about other similar products, our special offers and our services to the email address you provide. In these cases, however, you will be able to unsubscribe immediately from the list of recipients of our Newsletters by clicking on the relevant link that we provide to you in each of our emails or you can ask us not to send you information material again by sending us a relevant request.

We want you to enjoy reading the emails we send you, so we try to include only the information that you may find interesting. Therefore, in case you have given us your explicit consent to perform targeted ads based on your interests, we calculate and save the percentages of openings and clicks that you make when you are logged in to your user profile.

Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time to stop receiving such emails and newsletters via traditional mail, ie withdraw your consent for the future. For this action a corresponding unsubscribe link is provided in each email and newsletter. You can also contact us to revoke your consent and unsubscribe at any time:

- via e-mail:

- by post: Finikos 9, Kato Toumpa, Thessaloniki, PC 54351

Unable to unsubscribe from certain information messages that are necessary for the performance and performance of our website, including service-related emails (e.g., registration confirmations, customer service information) or information related to purchases (eg order confirmations, contract documents, payment processing). You will receive these notices in the contact details you provide based on your consent and based on the legal processing required to execute a contractual obligation or amend the contract or cancel it and settle both obligations under the law.

  • Customer service and support of the site, e.g. to respond to questions or complaints you send us via the contact form,
  • Create an account on the website, so that you can browse points of the website that are accessible only to those visitors who have an account and you can order products through our online store, and
  • Send and Evaluate requests and comments you send us through the website.

We collect, process and use your personal data in accordance with the following legal processing bases:

  • Article 6 (1) (a) of the GBER serves as the legal basis for the processing activities for which we obtain your consent for a specific processing purpose. For example, under this legal basis, we process your personal information for the provision of newsletters, promotions and targeted advertisements. More information on the consent process for these purposes can be found below.
  • Article 6 (1) (b) of the GCP stipulates that personal data may be processed for the performance of a contract. For example, under this legal basis we process your personal data when purchasing a product through our online store or when you request to be informed about a product or service.

Also, this provision applies to any processing activity that is necessary to carry out activities during the pre-contractual stage.

  • Article 6 (1) (c) of the GCC applies in cases where we are bound by a statutory obligation that requires the processing of personal data, for example for compliance with tax obligations or obligations arising from protection law of the consumer. For example, under this legal basis we process your personal data to respond to questions or complaints you send us via the contact form but also when required to disclose information about your transactions with us to the tax authorities.
  •             Article 6 (1) (f) of the GBER applies in cases where we pursue our overriding legal interests.
  • When contacting us by telephone, e-mail or contact form, the information you provide will be stored by us in order to answer your questions under Article 6 (1) (b), (c) and (f) of the GIP, ie for the execution of the contract between us, in order to comply with our legal obligations and to handle properly your requests, complaints and inquiries

Processing of personal data when sending a CV

Through the website you have the opportunity to send us your CV and apply for a job. In this case we will process the personal data you provide to us to assess your qualifications and make a decision on your application. The collection and processing of your personal data for this purpose is carried out in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 (f) in accordance with our legal interest to hire new employees and in case we deem that you are a suitable candidate under Article 6 paragraph 1 point b) to take the necessary actions during the pre-contractual recruitment stage.

Transfer of Personal Data

Our Company in no case shares, exploits or in any way transmits your personal data to third parties without strict conditions and control and security measures.

Στο ενδεχόμενο που η διαβίβαση δεν εμπίπτει στις ως κάτωθι αναφερόμενες περιπτώσεις και καθίσταται ως ευλόγως αναγκαία  για την διαχείριση των ερωτήσεων και των αιτημάτων σας θα σας πληροφορούμε και θα τροποποιήσουμε/ενημερώσουμε την παρούσα πολιτική προστασίας. Τέτοιες τυχόν μεταβιβάσεις, αν τυχόν καταστούν αναγκαίες και κατόπιν προηγούμενης ενημέρωσής σας και τροποποίησης της σχετικής μας πολιτικής, θα προστατεύονται από κατάλληλα μέτρα προστασίας (π.χ. ρήτρες δημοσιοποίησης προσωπικών δεδομένων, ρήτρες δημοσιοποίησης προσωπικών δεδομένων σε υπεργολάβους, ρήτρες δημοσιοποίησης προσωπικών δεδομένων σε τρίτους προμηθευτές, ρήτρες δημοσιοποίησης προσωπικών δεδομένων τα οποία είναι αναγκαία για την νομική συμμόρφωση κτλ.). Προτού δε τυχόν διαβιβαστεί οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία σε τρίτο μέρος που δεν αναφέρεται ως κάτωθι, η Εταιρεία θα διασφαλίζει ότι κάθε παραλήπτης έχει δεσμευτεί από αυστηρά πρότυπα ασφαλείας και τήρηση εμπιστευτικότητας. Στο πλαίσιο των δραστηριοτήτων μας και για τους σκοπούς που αναφέρονται στην παρούσα Πολιτική Απορρήτου, πρόσβαση στα προσωπικά σας δεδομένα έχουν μόνο κατάλληλα εξουσιοδοτημένοι εργαζόμενοί μας. Επιπλέον, μπορεί να δημοσιοποιήσουμε δεδομένα προσωπικού χαρακτήρα όταν τέτοιου είδους δημοσιοποιήσεις είναι αναγκαίες για την συμμόρφωση με μια νομική υποχρέωση στην οποία είμαστε υποκείμενοι. Ενδέχεται δηλαδή να διαβιβάζουμε τα δεδομένα σας σε τρίτους ή σε κυβερνητικούς φορείς δυνάμει της ισχύουσας νομοθεσίας περί προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων εφόσον είμαστε νομικά υποχρεωμένοι να το πράξουμε (π.χ. βάσει εντολής δημόσιας αρχής ή δικαστηρίου).

As a general rule, your personal data will not be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area. However, if in exceptional cases we transfer personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area, we will ensure the transfer of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable data protection legislation.

Transfer to partner service providers

For the operation and optimization of our website, we employ various service companies that operate on our behalf, e.g. to provide core IT services, host our website, process payments and ship products, or deliver newsletters. We transmit the information necessary for the respective purposes to these service partners (eg name, address).

Some of these companies operate on our behalf for the processing and execution of orders and, as a result, are allowed to use the data provided solely in accordance with our instructions. In this case, we are legally responsible for ensuring that these companies, to which we outsource the services, take appropriate data protection measures. For this reason, we agree on specific data protection measures with these companies and we monitor these measures on a regular basis.

Regarding the shipment of the goods, the data are transmitted to logistics companies or to the courier service provider specified in the order. Your order is usually shipped through the services of a partner transport company. This service provider will receive information from us, eg the shipping address, email address or telephone number you provide to us with your order, so that they can arrange a specific delivery time with you and arrange shipping.

Regarding the payment of the ordered goods, the data are transmitted to the provider who undertakes the execution of the payment or to a financial bank specified in the order. If a credit card is used as a method of payment, the transaction-based security check will be performed with the help of the payment provider to prevent credit card fraud. We do not collect or store payment information such as credit card numbers or account information. This information is sent exclusively and directly to the provider who has undertaken the processing of the payment.

Preservation of Personal Data

Επεξεργαζόμαστε και αποθηκεύουμε τα προσωπικά δεδομένα σας μόνο για όσο χρονικό διάστημα είναι απαραίτητο για την εκπλήρωση του σκοπού για τον οποίο συλλέξαμε τα δεδομένα σας ή για όσο χρονικό διάστημα υποχρεούμαστε να τα αποθηκεύουμε σύμφωνα με νόμο ή κανονισμό. Υπό αυτό το πρίσμα, η εταιρεία μας δεσμεύεται να μην διατηρήσει δεδομένα προσωπικού χαρακτήρα για μια περίοδο μεγαλύτερη από ότι είναι αναγκαίο και θα διασφαλίσουμε ότι θα τα διαγράψουμε με ασφάλεια. Ως γενικό χρονικό όριο καθορίζεται αυτό των 5 ετών, χρονικό διάστημα που απαιτείται για την υπεράσπιση της Εταιρείας έναντι πιθανών δικαστικών ενεργειών και για την επιδίωξη απαιτήσεων. Το ανώτερο απώτατο χρονικό διάστημα επουδενί ξεπερνά σε κάθε περίπτωση τα 20 έτη.

Also, the personal data you have provided to us for the purpose of sending us newsletters, promotional material, targeted ads, are stored by us until you decide to unsubscribe from our relevant list or revoke your consent with a maximum time frame as above . In case you ask us to delete, we will ensure the immediate deletion of your information from the relevant list.

Personal data that you have provided to us for the sole purpose of submitting a request, complaint or query is stored in our files until we can properly handle the relevant issue, as well as respond to your request, complaint or query.

For additional information regarding the retention period and the deletion period, please contact our company. The preservation of your data will always be based on the principle of minimizing and limiting the storage time to the absolutely necessary measure and time period.


Η ασφάλεια των προσωπικών δεδομένων σας συνιστά υψηλή προτεραιότητα για εμάς. Για τον λόγο αυτόν, λαμβάνουμε τα κατάλληλα τεχνικά και οργανωτικά μέτρα προκειμένου να προστατεύουμε τα δεδομένα σας που αποθηκεύονται από εμάς έτσι ώστε να αποτρέπουμε αποτελεσματικά τυχόν παραβίαση της ασφάλειας τους, όπως την απώλειά τους και την κακή χρήση τους από τρίτους. Κατά την επεξεργασία των προσωπικών σας δεδομένων δεσμευόμαστε  από υποχρεώσεις εμπιστευτικότητας και υποχρεούμαστε να συμμορφωνόμαστε σε αυτές.

The Company takes appropriate security measures to ensure the best possible protection of all personal data and to avoid loss, use or unauthorized access to personal data and restricts access to personal data to persons who are actually necessary to perform their duties. their. The persons who process personal data on behalf of the Company act according to the authorization given to them by the Company. The Company has established procedures for dealing with any breaches of data security in order to be able to comply with its legal obligations in case of breach of personal data.

Technical and organizational measures

Our company takes appropriate measures to ensure that your data is kept secure. In order to protect your personal data, our Company takes physical, technical and organizational measures to protect them, which are subject to regular review and adapt to new technological standards if required. These protection principles also apply to companies, to which we may entrust the processing of data in accordance with our instructions. Restricts access to your personal data to only those employees who need to be aware of it in order to provide benefits or services to you. We also demonstrate the importance of confidentiality and the confidentiality and security of your personal data. Among other things, our company has implemented the following technical and organizational measures and procedures to protect your personal data from any loss, alteration, illegal processing or alteration: · encryption · detection and management of security breaches · use of servers follow rules of security, electronic payments and personal data security; use of information systems and programs for computers installed in a way that minimizes the use of personal data and / or user authentication data; adoption of individual procedures for maintaining personal data and their secure deletion / destruction; access to systems and databases in principle "Need-to-know".

Rights of Subjects

Σε αυτό το τμήμα η εταιρεία μας διευθετεί τα δικαιώματα που πηγάζουν από τον Κανονισμό (ΕΕ) 2016/679 και πως τα υποκείμενα των δεδομένων μπορούν να έχουν πρόσβαση στα δικαιώματα αυτά.

You can request at any time to be informed about your personal data held by the Company and to request the modification, correction, update or deletion of this information. We may ask you for additional information in order to process your request, however, provided we provide you with the information we hold about you, this provision will be free of charge, unless your request is manifestly unfounded or abusive. If you request further copies of this information from us, we may incur a reasonable administrative cost. If we have a legal right to refuse your request, we will inform you of the specific reasons for such refusal. In addition, it is possible to delete either some or all of your data.

Also, the right of objection allows you to object to the processing of your personal data, unless the Company can demonstrate compelling and legal reasons for the processing, which outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or such processing is done for the establishment, exercise or support of legal claims of the Company.

In more detail:

Right of Access and Information

Η εταιρεία μας θεωρεί ότι τα δεδομένα προσωπικού χαρακτήρα τα οποία συλλέγονται άμεσα από τα υποκείμενα θα είναι επακριβή και ολοκληρωμένα. Σε κάθε δε περίπτωση  παρέχει στα πρόσωπα στα οποία αναφέρονται τα Δεδομένα συγκεκριμένες πληροφορίες. Ειδικότερα:

(a) the identity and contact details of our company as Head of Processing and its representative;

(b) the contact details of the DPO;

(c) the purposes of the processing for which the Personal Data is intended, as well as the legal basis for the processing;

(d) the recipients or categories of recipients of the Personal Data, if any;

(e) the period for which the Personal Data will be stored or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;

(f) the rights of the Data Subjects, as discussed in this section;

(g) the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority; and

(h) where applicable, any other requested information in relation to each rights subject.

Όταν τυχόν τα Προσωπικά Δεδομένα δεν έχουν ληφθεί από το Υποκείμενο Δεδομένων, αλλά από τρίτους, η Εταιρεία μας παρέχει στο Υποκείμενο Δεδομένων επιπλέον των ως άνω αναφερομένων και  την πηγή προέλευσης των Προσωπικών Δεδομένων και, κατά περίπτωση, εάν προέρχονται από πηγές προσβάσιμες από το κοινό.

The information mentioned above is provided:

(a) within a reasonable time after the collection of the Personal Data or the submission of a query, but not later than one month, taking into account the specific circumstances in which the Personal Data is processed;

(b) whether the Personal Data is to be used for communication with the Data Subject, at the latest on first contact with the Data Subject, or

(c) if disclosure to another recipient is provided, at the latest on the first disclosure of Personal Data.

The information described above is not provided to the Data Subjects where and if:

(a) the Data Subject already has the information;

(b) the provision of this information proves impossible or entails a disproportionate effort;

(c) the acquisition or disclosure is expressly provided for by European Union or Greek law and appropriate measures are provided for the protection of the legitimate interests of the Data Subject, or

(d) when the Personal Data must be kept confidential under an obligation of professional secrecy

Whether the Personal Data has been collected by the Data Subject or by third parties, where our company intends to further process the Personal Data for a purpose other than that for which it was collected, it provides the Data Subject with prior information regarding the processing of this other purpose and the relevant further information mentioned above.

 Our company must, at the request of the Data Subject, confirm to him whether the Personal Data concerning him are processed and, in this case, provide the Data Subject with access to his Personal Data, as well as further information, such as information on with:

(a) the purposes of the processing;

(b) the categories of relevant Personal Data;

(c) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the Personal Data may or may not have been disclosed;

(d) the period for which the Personal Data will be stored or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;

(e) the other rights of the Data Subject, as defined in this section, as well as the right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority;

(g) when the Personal Data is not collected by the Data Subject, any available information as to the source from which it was collected.

 When the Data Subject submits the request electronically, the above information is provided in an electronic format that is commonly used.

Right of Correction and Deletion

The data subject may request the updating, deletion or removal of any information held about him, and any third party who processes or uses the data must also comply with this request. A deletion request can only be rejected if an exception applies. Our company is obliged to delete personal data without negligence and without undue delay when any of the following applies:

  • personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed
  • the data subject withdraws his consent and there is no other legal basis for processing
  • the data subject relies on the processing carried out in the legitimate interests of the Data Manager and there are no other overriding legal reasons for the processing
  • personal data have been processed illegally.

If the request for the deletion of personal data has been received, the identification has been confirmed, the request meets one of the above requirements and there is no legal reason to oppose the processing, our Company must delete the relevant data in their entirety.

Εάν η εταιρεία μας  δεν μπορεί να διαγράψει τα δεδομένα προσωπικού χαρακτήρα άμεσα για κάποιον νόμιμο δικαιολογητικό λόγο που θα αναφέρει στο Υποκειμενο των Δικαιωμάτων, θα διασφαλίσει ότι:

  • cannot or will not attempt to use personal data in any way
  • protects personal data with the appropriate technical and organizational security, and is committed to the permanent deletion of information in the short term.

The fastest, easiest and most convenient way to exercise your right to correction and deletion is to log in at the same time as sending a request to our company and to your client account and to edit or delete the data stored in the account directly. Please note that once the data is deleted, you will no longer have access to the services through our website.

Right to Restrict Processing

The data subject has the right to demand from the administrator, restriction of the processing of his data based on the principle of proportionality and the purpose of processing.

Right of Objection

The subject has the right to oppose, at any time and for reasons related to his particular situation, the processing of personal data concerning him

Right to Withdraw consent

 Our Company must stop the processing of Personal Data, when the Data Subject withdraws its Consent and to the extent that the processing is based on the consent of the Data Subject. This revocation does not make the processing carried out before it illegal. After revoking the consent of the Data Subject, any processing carried out on the basis of this Consent is terminated immediately.

Right to Data Portability

Κατόπιν αιτήματος, το υποκείμενο των δεδομένων θα πρέπει να έχει το δικαίωμα να λάβει ένα αντίγραφο των δεδομένων προσωπικού χαρακτήρα που το αφορούν. Για την εξυπηρέτηση του δικαιώματός σας αυτού θα σας παρέχουμε τα δεδομένα σας σε δομημένο, κοινώς χρησιμοποιούμενο και αναγνώσιμο από μηχανήματα μορφότυπο. Εναλλακτικά, μπορούμε να αποστείλουμε και απευθείας τα δεδομένα για λογαριασμό σας. Το δικαίωμα στη φορητότητα ισχύει για (i) δεδομένα που επεξεργαζόμαστε αυτόματα (δηλαδή χωρίς ανθρώπινη παρέμβαση), (ii) για προσωπικά δεδομένα που έχουν παρασχεθεί από εσάς και (iii) για προσωπικά δεδομένα που επεξεργαζόμαστε στη βάσει της συγκατάθεσής σας ή αν η επεξεργασία είναι απαραίτητη για την εκτέλεση της σύμβασης.

These requests should be processed within a month, as there is no excessive burden and it does not jeopardize the privacy of individuals. ‘A data subject may also request that his data be transferred directly to another system. This request must be made free of charge.

The Competent Employee of the company must provide the following information to the Data Subject, or to their legally authorized representative within the specified time period:

  • Any information has been located to date.
  • Details of any information or modifications requested that will not be given to the data subject, the reason (s) for rejection, and any available procedures for appealing against the decision.
  • The name and contact details of the person in charge.


GENERAL: For your safety, we reserve the right to receive further information necessary to confirm your identity when responding to an existing request. In addition, in the event that identification is not possible, we reserve the right to refuse to respond to your request.

Right of Complaint

Any Data Subject whose personal data is processed by our company can file a complaint in case of illegal processing and notify the Hellenic Personal Data Protection Authority (APDPH) of any incidents of personal Data breach concerning it . Information and clarifications can be found on the Authority's website at the following link: http: //www.dpa .gr /

You can contact the Personal Data Protection Authority in the following ways: • Postal Address: Personal Data Protection Authority, Offices: 1-3 Kifissias, PC 115 23, Athens • Call Center: + 30-210 6475600 • Fax: + 30-210 6475628 • E-mail: • In-person submission: At the offices of the Authority, 1st floor, at the Protocol Office and hours 09:00 -13: 00.

Any non-regulated matter is replaced by those in force in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 και τον Law 4624/2019.


In order to ensure that this Privacy Policy is always in line with applicable legal requirements, we reserve the right to make changes at any time. The same applies to cases where the Privacy Policy needs to be modified in order to adapt to new or modified products or services. For this reason, we kindly ask you to check this Privacy Policy at regular intervals for any changes. Should our company choose to change this Privacy Policy, we will post the changes here. This was last updated on 18/04/2021. We reserve the right to modify and update this Protection Policy at any time, for any reason, without notice to you, except for the posting of the update on our website. Where required by law, we will obtain your consent to make these changes.


If you have any concerns or complaints about this policy or the exercise of your rights listed above, please contact us at: with the data protection officer of our company, setting as the subject of your message the title: PERSONAL DATA.

Andreas Karailanidis, son of Christos, is responsible for data protection of our company. Papafi 133, Kato Toumpa, Thessaloniki, PC 54453

Αριθμός Γ.Ε.ΜΗ: 157816206000