• Shipping Methods and Delivery Time of the products

Για την εξυπηρέτησή σας, η αποστολή της παραγγελίας σας στο χώρο σας πραγματοποιείται συνήθως από τη συνεργαζόμενη εταιρεία ταχυμεταφορών ΕΛΤΑ Courier. Παραγγελίες που καταχωρούνται στο working days until 12.00 noon and are deliverable to our store, as a rule, as long as the product is available, within 24 hours, otherwise within the next 2 working days, if it is within the city. For the rest of the regions and as long as the product is available, the delivery varies depending on the distance and can reach 4-5 working days.In areas designated as inaccessible, delivery time depends on the cooperating courier company. To avoid additional shipping costs, the order is executed when all the products included in it are available. If for any reason you wish delivery of the only available products of the order, please call us at 6951950601 and request delivery of them, stating the order number. Deliveries are made on working days and hours, from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00 by courier companies. From our means the delivery hours are 07:00 to 20:00 within the prefecture of Thessaloniki. Deliveries are not made on Saturdays and public holidays. For product orders that are not immediately available, we will contact you by phone to inform you of their delivery time. 
The products are shipped after the order has been paid.

  • Pick up from the store

The company provides the customer with the opportunity to receive the products and services sold through the online store, when they are available. In particular, the customer has the right to choose through the online store the product / products that he wishes to receive from the store by repaying the price of these products in cash or by card, upon receipt of the products from our headquarters. 
This option is available for pick-up on the same day (if available). For the receipt of the sold, the customer will be able to receive his order from the physical store after phone contact after at least one hour from the submission of the order through the online store. 
In case the customer does not come to the store to receive his order (ie, receipt of things and payment of the price) within a reasonable time and while he has not contacted our company during the day of the order, then the order is automatically canceled , was subject to the termination of the above deadline by the customer fulfilling his obligations. In case of cancellation, the company is not liable for this reason. 

  • How to deliver an order - charges for deliveries

I. Deliveries to areas within the Distribution Network of the company-obligations

The products and services to be delivered after the order are sent to the address and the recipient that the customer has stated during the submission of his order, which has been accepted by the company. Our company freely chooses the means of shipping. The sale of the sold is done at the charge of the customer, regardless of the size of the deliverables.

II. Deliveries to other areas of the country 

In case the customer specifies in the order he will send, a place of delivery outside the areas of the prefecture of Thessaloniki, then the company is entitled to assign the transfer of the products to a cooperating transport company. The risk from the sale in the case of the transfer with an authorized third carrier, passes to the buyer at the time of delivery of the goods sold by the carrier. The customer will be informed about the assignment of the transfer to a cooperating carrier when submitting his order, while an immediate written consultation (by e-mail) will follow, which can be confirmed by telephone if necessary.

  • General terms for shipping products and services

The company reserves the right to modify the shipping methods, terms and prices at will and without prior notice is obliged to inform its prospective customers of these changes by reviewing these terms of use of the online store and before the execution of the contract if the customer contact and request information. 

  • CAUTION, Important notes

  1. Any chemicals, products belonging to the category of plant protection products, fertilizers and public health products or against the control of pests that threaten Public Health & food safety, should be kept away from young children. 
  2. All products must be maintained in accordance with the instructions and in the appropriate conditions.  
  3. Each time before any use you should consult the enclosed package leaflet or package instructions or ask our authorized representative. 
  4. In any case, if you are not sure about a certain product and their suitability for you, you should consult our competent authorized representative. Also talk to your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication or have any health problems or allergies.
  5. The products are not suitable for eating. In any case, consult the instruction and usage form or ask us.