
  • My Account - The function of choice

My Account is directly related to the management and / or storage in the Shopping Cart, the management, shipping and tracking of an order as well as the maintenance of your profile. 
Through this option you can watch: 
• The History of your Orders. Orders are divided into Outstanding Orders (orders that have not yet been prepared for shipment), Orders for Processing (product collection & invoicing) and Completed Orders (orders that have been invoiced & shipped). 
• Management and / or Storage in the Shopping Cart. You can edit the Shopping Cart and change the products of the order and their quantity. You can also save products to your Favorites and then select some or all of them to add to the Shopping Cart and complete the order. 
• Completing your Profile. By filling in your details, a channel of communication with us is essentially opened, so that we can understand your special needs and respond accordingly in order to satisfy them. Essentially you inform us about your interests, preferences and the way you would like to communicate and we act accordingly. 
Our sellers will recommend products especially for you. Upon entering the store, stating your e-mail and password, recommendations for you will be displayed immediately. 

  • Order Methods 

To order the products you are interested in and to make your purchases through our online store, select the products you are interested in, placing them in the Shopping Cart. Once you have completed your purchases, click on the Shopping Cart and complete your order by following the steps indicated.

  • Electronic Order Archiving

Your orders are archived electronically and you can, when you wish, view your order, see its status (Pending, Processing, Completed) or create a new order.

  • Right to reject product order on behalf of the COMPANY 

The COMPANY is entitled upon information to reject and not accept orders in which the customer designates as a place of delivery an inaccessible or inaccessible area. Instead, it is obliged to accept such an order if the customer accepts an alternative payment method that the parties will agree on in writing and possible additional shipping costs from the existing ones.

  • Responsible for receipt on behalf of the customer 

The receipt in each case is made by the person mentioned in the order as the recipient by presenting his police ID or passport or in general a public document suitable for proving the identity or with a legal authorization from a third party.

  • Deadline for fulfillment of the sale - delivery

The delivery time of the sold products and services is determined in the order according to availability, is confirmed in the acceptance of the order by the COMPANY, and is within a reasonable time from the time of preparation of the sale unless there is a special agreement of the parties confirmed in writing. by e-mail. In any case and without compensation, the company must after the order and before its acceptance and invoicing, after checking its warehouse, to inform the customer immediately and within a reasonable time about the actual availability of the selected product that can be processed of the specific request and the order has already been exhausted from previous time purchases and in case of shortage at the given time, either to offer him a similar product, or to inform him about the re-availability and appropriate shipping time of the product, if he agrees to keep of his existing order. In case of extraordinary and unforeseen obstacle that the COMPANY will face regarding the delivery of product / products, the latter is entitled to postpone the delivery of all or part of the sold products and services only once, with a written statement (e-mail) to the customer (at the same time there will be a telephone update), provided that the total waiting time does not exceed, together with the postponement, the thirty (30) days from the time of approval of the order and preparation of the sale. Otherwise in case of exceeding the deadline of thirty (30) days due to obstruction or inability of the COMPANY to make the delivery to the customer, then only the customer will be entitled if he wishes, to set a new second deadline for delivery in excess of thirty (30) days (such new deadline is not necessary if the COMPANY refuses the delivery in general, or if the delivery served the interests of the customer only if it was made within the legal deadline of thirty (30) days and the customer had informed the COMPANY). If the additional deadline set by the customer is not met, then the latter is entitled to terminate the contract of sale for the overdue items. The rest of the order is executed normally unless the items in the order are related, will be used as a whole and have a tracking character with each other and the customer declares that the partial fulfillment of the order does not serve his needs or interests, whereupon the COMPANY must cancel the entire order.